Laser-machining toolpath
If you have a laser-engraving machine, use the 3D
laser-machining toolpath to quickly remove unwanted material from the composite
relief. The machining process involves a laser beam making a series of passes in
the Z direction at a specified depth.
Click the 3D Laser
button on the Toolpaths panel to display the Laser Machining panel. Use the Laser Machining panel to:
- control whether the laser machines from the base or the
surface of the composite relief.
- output the toolpath in segments to allow for any refocusing
of the laser that might be required between passes.
- control the angle, or where and in what direction the laser
cuts into the block of material, depending on what strategy you select.
- engrave detail into a previously machined model, using two
composite reliefs. This process is known as Rest (as in 'rest of material')
Laser Engraving.
The toolpaths need to be saved as an output file using a
suitable post-processor such as the 2D HPGL (.plt)
before being sent to a laser engraving machine.
After you have calculated the toolpath, you can simulate
See also