Step 1: To create the model and vectors

Step 1: To create the model and vectors

Step 1: To create the model and vectors

This section describes how to create the model and the vectors for the Reception plaque.

To create the model and the vectors:

  1. Create the model:

    1. Display the New Model dialog.
    2. Select mm as the Units.
    3. Enter a:

      Width (X) of 500.

      Height (Y) of 300.

    4. Specify a Resolution of approximately 1500 x 900 points.
    5. Click OK.
  2. Create the vector to represent the plaque's edge:

    1. Select Vector > Create > Rectangle. The Tool Settings: Rectangle Creation panel is displayed.
    2. Select Rectangle.
    3. Enter a:

      Width of 450.

      Height of 250.

      Corner radius of 50.

    4. Select the Invert corners check box.
    5. Click Create. Carveco creates the vector and displays it in the 3D view:

  3. Create an offset vector from the plaque's edge to create a border:

    1. Select Vector > Offset. The Tool Settings: Offset Vectors panel is displayed.
    2. Enter an Offset distance of 30.
    3. Select Inwards/left.
    4. Select Chamfered.
    5. Click Offset. Carveco creates the vector and displays it in the 3D view:

    6. Click the 3D view to deselect the vectors.
  4. Create the vector text:

    1. Select Vector > Create > Text. The Tool Settings: Text Tool panel is displayed.
    2. In the Font list, select Tahoma.
    3. Select a Size of 55 mm.
    4. Click the 3D view and enter Reception.
    5. Click Create. Carveco creates the vector and displays it in the 3D view.
    6. Select Vector > Align > Centre in Model to position the vector text within the center of the plaque:

    7. Click the 3D view to deselect the vectors.

See also

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