To add pieces of relief clipart to the Relief Clipart Library
To accelerate working with reliefs, a collection of
ready-to-use pieces of relief clipart are provided with your Carveco
installation. To use the pieces of relief clipart, you must download and install
the pieces to add them to the Relief Clipart Library.
To add the pieces of relief clipart to the Relief Clipart
- Select Relief > Clipart Library or click the
Relief Clipart
button. The Relief Clipart
Library panel is displayed.
- At the bottom of the panel, click Get More Clipart.
The file to download is displayed in a web browser.
- Follow the instructions in the browser to download the
Application (.exe) file.
- When you have downloaded the file, exit Carveco.
- Locate the file in Explorer.
- Right-click the file, then select the Run as
administrator context menu option. The Carveco Relief Clipart Library Setup wizard is
- Follow the instructions in the wizard to install the
- When you have installed the reliefs, start Carveco.
- To import a piece of relief clipart from the Relief Clipart
- Display the Relief Clipart Library panel.
- In the Choose library area, select a library option
in the list. Carveco displays thumbnails for the available pieces of relief
- Click a thumbnail. The Tool Settings: Transform dialog is displayed
and a preview of the piece of relief clipart is shown in blue and surrounded by
a bounding box in the 3D view.
- Use the panel to specify the piece of relief clipart's
size, scale, position, orientation, and shape, and choose how to add the piece
to the relief layer.
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