Use this menu option to display the Simulation Control toolbar during simulation.The Simulation Control Bar
button on the Simulation toolbar
and on the Toolpath panel is a shortcut for
this menu option. The availability of this button is license dependent.
The Simulation toolbar
is hidden by default. To display the toolbar, right-click a docking area and
select Simulation in the context menu. The
availability of this toolbar is license dependent.
When using the Simulation
Control toolbar, a wireframe tool is displayed to simulate the tool
moves. The simulation block is gradually updated to simulate the results of the
machining process. For example, the image below shows the wireframe of a V-Bit 32 mm 130 degree tool machining bevel carved text into
the simulation block:
The simulation block and wireframe tool are displayed in the
3D view with the Simulation Control toolbar
floating over it.
The toolbar includes the following buttons:
Click to pause the simulation.
— Click to simulate the selected toolpath's next move, gradually updating the
simulation block as it does.
— Click to simulate the selected toolpath, gradually updating the
simulation block as it does.
— Click to simulate the selected toolpath until its next Z retract
move, gradually updating the simulation block as it does.
— Click
to quickly simulate the whole of the selected toolpath.
— Click to quickly simulate the selected toolpath up until its next
retract move.
Click to stop the simulation and close the Simulation
Control toolbar.